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The Closing Ceremony of 40th Anniversary cum Variety Show

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1. 置頂照片
2. 社會福利署元朗區福利專員朱詠賢女士蒞臨主禮
3. 大型活動又點少得迪茜比與阿灰呢?
4. 「以愛同行四十載」講述由無助到尋覓愛的故事,由家長飾演就最適合不過。
5. 本會美田綜合復康服務中心表演:奇趣十巧手
6. 本會南山中心表演:舞動 Never Stop!
7. 迦密柏雨中學手鈴演奏 Let's Beatles!
8. 本會安定中心及宿舍表演:安定金龍賀懷智
9. 金巴崙長老會耀道小學表演:獅藝表演
10. 中華基督教會基順學校表演:鼓舞飛揚耀聲威
11. 本會元朗地區支援中心表演:尋樂舞團
12. 本會將軍澳綜合復康服務中心表演非洲鼓:狂歡 !
13. 本會朗藝坊及朗屏宿舍表演:傳心傳意手語歌
14. 小蘋果舞蹈隊表演:拍拍手
15. 鏡中花舞蹈團表演:越南我的家鄉
16. 服務使用者也擔綱演出啊
17. 總幹事胡定邦先生也粉墨登場
18. 本會智親至愛家長親屬資源中心表演:舞所不能
19. 智親至愛家屬表演:智愛心SING,現場仲有Live Band BAND FIVE 伴奏啊!
1. 置頂照片
2. 社會福利署元朗區福利專員朱詠賢女士蒞臨主禮
3. 大型活動又點少得迪茜比與阿灰呢?
4. 「以愛同行四十載」講述由無助到尋覓愛的故事,由家長飾演就最適合不過。
5. 本會美田綜合復康服務中心表演:奇趣十巧手
6. 本會南山中心表演:舞動 Never Stop!
7. 迦密柏雨中學手鈴演奏 Let's Beatles!
8. 本會安定中心及宿舍表演:安定金龍賀懷智
9. 金巴崙長老會耀道小學表演:獅藝表演
10. 中華基督教會基順學校表演:鼓舞飛揚耀聲威
11. 本會元朗地區支援中心表演:尋樂舞團
12. 本會將軍澳綜合復康服務中心表演非洲鼓:狂歡 !
13. 本會朗藝坊及朗屏宿舍表演:傳心傳意手語歌
14. 小蘋果舞蹈隊表演:拍拍手
15. 鏡中花舞蹈團表演:越南我的家鄉
16. 服務使用者也擔綱演出啊
17. 總幹事胡定邦先生也粉墨登場
18. 本會智親至愛家長親屬資源中心表演:舞所不能
19. 智親至愛家屬表演:智愛心SING,現場仲有Live Band BAND FIVE 伴奏啊!

The Closing Ceremony of 40th Anniversary cum Variety Show

The Closing Ceremony of 40th Anniversary cum Variety Show was successfully completed at Yuen Long Theatre on 18 January 2020. Ms. Chu Wing Yin, Diana, District Social Welfare Officer (Yuen Long), Social Welfare Department, and Mr. Wong Wai Yin, Zachary, Yuen Long District Councilor were invited to be our officiating guests for the closing ceremony.


The event included an exhibition and a variety show. In addition to display the winning works of the 40th Anniversary Photography Competition in the exhibition, it also introduced the services of the service units and social enterprise under the management of Wai Ji. Public could understand the services that we provided to the disabled for the past 40 years.


For the variety show, 14 performances were connected in series. About 100 service users, family members, and staff from 8 of the service units participated in the performances. Even though the service users have different abilities, they all do their best to practice. The audiences were moved by their perseverance and hard work by seeing the service users standing on the stage confidently to perform.


We also invited several performance groups and our Ambassador Mr. Wong Chi Yin, Ben to sing together with the performers. Thank you for their participation to enrich the performance.