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House of Arts & Skills at Long Ping   

Hostel at Long Ping


Eligibility for the Service
  • 15 or above of age with intellectual disabilities (mild to moderate) or other kinds of disabilities
  • with basic self-care ability
  • found by a physical examination to have no infectious disease
  • physically and mentally fit for group living
  • (for employment service applicants) willing to work



Application Procedures and Fees
Enquiries and applications can be made through the district integrated family services centres of the Social Welfare Department, medical social workers, special school social workers, or the rehabilitation organizations the applicants belong to. The applications will be passed to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services operated by the Social Welfare Department. Referrals to our service units via this system will be assessed for admission. All fees will be charged according to the rates set by the Social Welfare Department and our Agency.



  • House of Arts & Skills: 165 (including 10 places of Work Extension Programme)
  • Hostel: 51



Service Hours
  • House of Arts & Skills: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm    (Monday to Friday, except public holidays)
  • Hostel: 24 hours    (Monday to Sunday)



 Exit from the Service

Applications for exit from the service will be handled in accordance with our policy and procedures on service exit. The application should be made to the service unit concerned in writing one month in advance. It will be followed up by the service unit accordingly.