The professional outreach service for private residential care homes
for persons with disabilities was commenced.

Shui Chuen O Day Activity Centre and Hostel was opened.

A centre was opened in Yuen Long to provide and promote art activities for people with and without disabilities.

Staff support was provided to a souvenir sales booth on the Avenue of Stars,Tsimshatsui.

"Cheer On" Parents and Relatives Resource Centre was opened in Yuen Long.

Po Yee Corner, an area providing tailor-made day service for elderly people with intellectual disabilities, was opened in Day Activity Centre and Hostel at Po Lam.

The "Let's be Friends Forever Volunteer Service Project III" of Bradbury Centre and Hostel at Tin King was elected in the "Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Community Services Election 2017" organized by the Lions Clubs International District 303 - Hong Kong and Macao, China.

Speech Therapy Service was re-introduced.

A personal care salon providing haircutting and foot sauna service was opened in Cheung Sha Wan.

The “Infinity in Love” Service Project was initiated to provide support to carers of people with intellectual disabilities.

A haircutting salon was opened in Tuen Mun Hospital.

The first outreach dental service for people with intellectual disabilities in Hong Kong was initiated by our Agency.

A community waste collection project in Sham Shui Po was carried out.

The Home-Based Training and Support Service Team was converted into a district support centre and renamed "Yuen Long District Support Centre".

Mei Tin Integrated Rehabilitation Services Centre was opened.

Tseung Kwan O Integrated Rehabilitation Services Centre was opened.

The office and activity centre of the Home-Based Training and Support Service Team moved to Siu Hong West Rail Station. The team was renamed "Wai Ji Mutual Support Network".

Physiotherapy Service was introduced.

Sheltered Workshop at Long Ping was converted into an integrated vocational rehabilitation services centre and renamed "House of Arts and Skills".
Community Rehabilitation Support Service was introduced.

Holiday Care Service was introduced.
The Small Enterprise Project was initiated.
The Home-Based Training Team was converted into the Home-Based Training and Support Service Team.
Wai Ji Hong Yip Co. Ltd. was established.
The Direct Sales Service Project was initiated.

Placement of Hostel at Un Chau was increased to 60.
Tai Hang Tung Day Activity Centre merged with Nam Shan Day Activity Centre.
Sheltered Workshop cum Hostel at Un Chau was opened, providing 140 places for workers and 50 places for residents.

Supported Employment Service gained full subvention from the Social Welfare Department.
Supported Hostel I & II at Yuet Ping were opened.

Heltered Workshop cum Hostel at Hor Ping was opened.

Occupational Therapy Service was introduced.

The Agency was formally renamed "Wai Ji Christian Service" and it was incorporated as a limited company.

Supported Employment Service was introduced.
Day Activity Centre cum Hostel at On Ting was opened.

The agency took over Tai Hang Tung Day Activity Centre of the Social Welfare Department.
Bradbury Centre cum Hostel at Tin King was opened.

Respite Care Service was introduced.
The first day activity centre cum hostel, which had a capacity of 50 persons, was opened on Po Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O.

The first sheltered workshop cum hostel was opened on Long Ping Estate, Yuen Long, providing 140 places for workers and 50 places for residents.
The Home-Based Training Team gained recognition and subvention from the Social Welfare Department.
The first Gateway Club was formed in Nam Shan Centre to provide social and recreational activities for people with intellectual disabilities.

The training centre gained subvention from the Social Welfare Department. It moved to Nam Shan Estate, Shek Kip Mei, and became a whole-day training centre.

Kowloon Union Church Wai Ji Training Centre (now known as Wai Ji Christian Service) was established in the church to provide half-day training service for people with intellectual disabilities.

A member of the Kowloon Union Church, Mr. Bernard Ng, who was a physiotherapist, proposed the idea of setting up a service for people with intellectual disabilities on the premises of the church. In an extraordinary general meeting of the church in October of the year, it was approved that a day care centre for people with intellectual disabilities be established in the church and an organizing committee was immediately formed to work on it.