Main Content


Service Objectives
  • To help service recipients to acquire the skills of living independently and using community facilities through different kinds of training so as to enable them to live independently in the community.
  • To develop service recipients’own interests so as to enhance their self-confidence and social skills.
  • To promote service recipients’ motor functions and health through health education and physical exercise.
  • To help service recipients to have a stronger relationship with their families and peers through the support and guidance of a multi-disciplinary professional team.



Service Contents

  • Accommodation and meals
  • Independent living skills training
  • Community living skills training
  • Individual and group counselling
  • Recreational programmes / interest groups
  • Parent programmes and counselling
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Clinical psychological service
  • Health Care
  • Visiting Medical Practitioner Scheme


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